Saturday, May 07, 2005

The Beginning

I have joined the darkside...

So I decided to make a Blog for me, As this will serve as my public ramblings about my life, programming, college, and my future profession.... It will have my musings, offbeat humor and everything else you could say about my life. Now for alittle about me.

My name is Patrick Johnson Jr., for those who haven't gathered that yet :). I'm big into music, games, guitars and programming. I'm 21 and a current student in the field of Computer Science with a major in Graphics and Simulations Programming at Texas State Technical College. I am graduating in December 2005 :D. I've always been passionate about games, ever since I played my first games on the Apple ][ way back when (It was a game where you'd hop a spy across these platforms and try not to get smashed by pistons).

The first system I ever owned was the Nintendo Entertainment System when I got it for Christmas in 89. That did it... It started me wanting to make games, and so I set out to do that. In junior high I started getting into programming and got more into it with the years. I got into TSTC with aspirations for game making and I've been working towards that goal. I'm currently one of the two slated to graduate in December (out of the many that started out with us).

What This Blog is about...
This blog will accentuate my website that holds my portfolio. In here you'll here my musings, ramblings and amazement of went right and what went wrong with my projects, updates to my life, and my ideas.

What This Blog isn't about...
This blog isn't about my ideas for games, If there is a game I want to make you'll see it in form and not in text. As soon as that happens, I'll talk about it here with discretion. Then when it's done, I'll talk freely like someone taking the duct tape off my mouth (better not do that, I'd hurt like hell seeing facial hair hurts when pulled).

I hope to have a fun, fruitful and prosperous area to speak on my little soapbox on the web. Here's to the start of something :).


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